August 23, 2018.
2:30 am - At this moment my alarm goes off, and I've accumulated a whole 2 hours of sleep. I'm 39 weeks pregnant - approximately the size of those tiny homes that you see on HGTV - and I can't remember the last time I felt rested - but none of that matters now, because today is the day I will meet my baby girl. *Looking back I laugh at myself for thinking was tired PRE-baby.... LOL.*
I nudge my husband, and like many nights of nudges before he hops out of bed and wonders "is she coming!?". I roll my eyes, "yes... but you knew that, honey. It's induction day". What is it about getting woken from their glorious slumber that causes husbands to react as though you've announced a nuclear war? I only wish to sleep that soundly.
Sam showered, we grabbed the last few things to throw in our hospital bags... and we headed to the QC. My induction was set for 4 am - and through the suggestions of many, we chose to stop at McDonalds for my last meal. I will say that we did not plan well for this... I would have preferred a Chocolate Chip pancake with a side of bacon and cottage cheese from the Purple Onion - a Mama Bair pregnancy staple - unfortunately your pickins are slim at 3:15am, and Mickey D's was better than nothing.
*the following paragraph will lack correct medical terms, and will be told from the point of view of a commoner .. or a absolutely not medically trained woman going through labor and missing a lot of key explanations due to contractions that cause depletion in hearing function. - I will link a few of the terms : click at your own risk : )*
We checked in, and so began the process of bringing a life into the world. The very. slow. process. We began with cervadil.. my body responded OK to this, but eventually when I wasn't progressing as quickly as my Dr wanted - we moved on to a foley bulb. Once the Foley Bulb ran it's course, I progressed to a 5, and shortly after my water broke. Following this, I spent a few hours on an exercise ball ... it was magical.
Through my pregnancy, I was always sure of one thing about my labor plan. I wanted an epidural. So once I progressed to a 7 - I smiled a mischievous smile, and gave the nurse my special request... "the juice, please." ha, just kidding, but I did begin to ask when my epidural would be an option. About an hour later my knight in shining armor entered the room : hello Mr. Anesthesiologist. Fast forward through a large needle and my Mom and husband holding my hand and I found some sweet relief. Sweet sweet majestic numbness, that lasted a whole half an hour. That's right, folks : the epidural that I so longed for, didn't stick around long for me. So, like the fighter that I am, I powered through. Just kidding, I cried like a little biotch. : ) The contractions came closer and lasted longer, and each time I was checked there was no progress. I was exhausted, and I felt so defeated. At one point, the baby's heart rate dropped and my Mom and husband were pushed out of the way as 5 nurses rushed to give me oxygen and turned me on all fours trying to change her position. Eventually, she was back to where they wanted ... and I still wasn't progressing. We tried the peanut ball, all fours, my left side, my right side... and nothing was working. They even put 7 folded blankets stacked under my hips in hopes to get that girl to move down, and...nada. After hours and hours of different positions and efforts, we were making little to know progress. With so many options exhausted, and what felt like no end in sight - my doctor suggested a cesarean section. I always imagined that I would cower in fear of that suggestion, but in that moment, I could have hugged her for giving me a means to an end.
To be honest, the rest of the night is a blur. I was rolled into a room smelling of alcohol and filled with bright white lights. I had an amazing team that helped me to feel calm and collected. They brought my husband in, and the next thing I knew - she was earth side.